The issue Micro management aggressions are becoming increasingly common within the workplace. We have helped resolve an employee’s issues with management from becoming a potential grievous claim and possible tribunal proceedings.
Mediation outcome Mediation resulted in a final settlement where progressive discussions and decisions were made with a follow up session after 12 weeks.
The issue When Helen joined a corporate firm as an External Communications Manager her role was to report to the Head of Engagement Farah, who in turn reported to the Director of Strategy and corporate affairs Melanie. For the first 6 months, Helen enjoyed her role. However, Helen began to receive persistent, passive aggressive exchanges of communication through emails and in meetings from Melanie. She felt that her role was constantly being undermined and micromanaged whilst exercising her responsibilities and professional skills. Helen would often have to request clearance for ordinary tasks, Melanie would oversee Helen’s verbal discussions with external stakeholders. As a consequence, Helen felt that she was being bullied. She found it difficult to work effectively on all aspects of the corporate’s external communications and struggled to deliver her objectives.
Melanie on the other hand had found Helen more distant and less engaged. She had felt that there had been a difference in opinion on the direction of travel on pieces of work, going directly to the CEO without getting Melanie’s input or agreement on documents, hence undermining her responsibilities. Helen felt she was receiving negative and closed responses and experiencing an overall breakdown of trust and disrespect for her professional background and experience
The solution Mediation was arranged and both were given the opportunity to air their concerns in particular Helen’s claim of indirect bullying. We concentrated them both on the issues and the impact of Melanie’s behaviour towards Helen. Getting her to separate from her view and realise in the moment what was happening to Helen when she was in receipt of passive aggressive emails from her. Training was suggested for Melanie as a way forward to provide her with an understanding of microaggressions and other sensitivities. Melanie told Helen about how respecting her professional background and experience and her feedback to the CEO could have on aspects of her job. She explained to her that the success of their collaborative activities would depend on having a more pleasant working relationship with each other and the wider team. Both made a list of focussed agreement points to actively work on and the mediator suggested a follow up 6 weeks review with Helen and Melanie after the meeting.
The outcome Our mediation process allowed the parties to explore their differences and set out what they expected from one another. Verbal apologies were made, and smart agreements were drawn up with a commitment that HR would put in place training for Melanie to support her to work more productively with Helen. A proposed grievous complaint by Helen was avoided and the company saved thousands of pounds in potential tribunal costs. The mediation only took 1 day.
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