Squabbles between pupils are everyday occurrences that happen in almost every primary and secondary school across the UK. Whilst on most occasions the outcomes result in restored harmony, there can be occasions when the situation worsens.
It’s not just between pupils that conflicts can arise. When the friendship between peers go awry, parents can become embroiled in arguments with other parents or in disagreements against teachers. The effects, if not dealt with swiftly, can impact negatively on the attendance, learning and moral of those involved. Whilst schools will have their own policies and procedures to resolve conflicts internally, it is not uncommon for these processes to be unsuccessful. If this is the case at your school, hiring a Mediator to deal with your matter (whether it involves pupils, parents, office staff, teachers, the head teacher or board of governors) will be the right course of action. |
We facilitate and oversee managed move agreements for schools. Here's how we can help... We can discuss options and alternatives with a school and parents for a managed move proposal. We can contact schools and pupil referral units which might be suitable and engage parental input. As independent facilitators we are able to arrange a meeting attended by school representatives, pupil and family member and draw up a managed move agreement which is agreed by all the parties. |
Managed moves, Schools MediationIf you are looking for the best mediation services in London, Essex, Kent, Surrey, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire or Hertfordshire, then look no further. We can save you time, money and restore relationships with the variety of our professional mediation services.
Call 020 8088 2144 today!